
"I stood up and she had me bend over slightly while facing my sister, I jumped as a soapy hand closed around my cock, pulling back the foreskin and soaping the glans. A finger pressed against my bottom hole and I tensed up."Relax honey; mummy just wants to make sure you are completely clean."I relaxed and the soapy finger slid easily into my bottom, deeper and deeper it seemed to go, sending strange sensations through my body that seemed to be intensified by the hand that was gently squeezing. On his side… Was Hunter Lawrence, with a smile on his face:“Hey Jay, how come you’re gonna be busy all week?”said Hunter.“My mom got me a spot in a Tv show. I’m gonna be a Tv star, man!”“Well… Seth’ll be busy all day. So, how about we have some fun after school?” Said Hunter, and punched Jake’s arm in a friendly manner.“When you say «fun», you mean…”“Yeah, silly.”“Count me in. Meet up at the abandoned house?”“Yep. I’ll se ya there, bud.” Said Hunter and left.Everything went blank after that…. Jerry was quite a bit bigger than I was and could be easily described as what Chris would call a hunk. I could see there was a physical attraction there, which did not escape Rachel’s discerning eye. She asked Chris if she would like to inspect Slave more closely.Chris casually said, “Why yes Mistress Rachel, if it’s not too much trouble.”Rachel replied, “No trouble at all, STRIP Slave.” Jerry stood up and removed all of his clothing without hesitation. When his trousers were removed we could. She quickly becomes rigid, firmly grabbing hold of the older woman’s head with both hands. She wraps her legs around her head and orgasms. The girl’s juices flood onto Grace’s face and mouth like the breaking of a dam.Grace feels herself engulfed by the rushing flood of juices. She closes her eyes and lets the torrent wash over her. She suddenly realizes that it is she that is at the girl’s mercy, and not the other way around.Stunned, Grace falls backward onto her ass on the ground of the.
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